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Building a Social Marketing Strategy that Works

Building a Social Marketing Strategy that Works

Social media marketing is about building relationships, being relevant, and ultimately increasing business though your pipeline. Real estate professionals should be taking full advantage of social media because savvy consumers are seeking information, not advertising. Clients want to be educated and have meaningful conversation about their real estate needs. They are not looking to be sold to.

Social media gives agents the chance to provide relevant and meaningful information and directly interact with their sphere of influence on a regular basis. It also enables them to build credibility with their sphere’s own social circle. This is one of the most values tools that social media platforms can offer. People rely incredibly heavily on family and friends for recommendations, particularly in the real estate category. Every fan and follower you have on your social platform is an opportunity to reach new potential clients. And referrals are often more valuable prospects than those that walk into the door or contact you because they saw a listing online.

The goal to making the most of your social marketing is to become the go-to source of information for your network. How do you do that? Here are some steps to get your started:

1st step – Post relevant and interesting information. Don’t just fill your news feed with your most recent listings. That is a quick way to lose followers.

2nd step – Post meaning information about what is going on in your community. Show that you are involved and knowledgeable about your area.

3rd step – Become an expert on real estate current events. Share what is going on in the news locally and nationally as it involves the industry.

4th step – Offer useful and interesting tips and advice about real estate. Tips like how to stage a home, what to look for in an agent, or advice on negotiating your first purchase are relevant to a wide audience.


It’s easy to share Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate brand content through any of your social media platforms. BHGRE takes the efforts of content generation off your shoulders so you can focus on your client’s needs. Make sure to have some fun with your social marketing content. Add some personality and make it your own. Your network wants to know about you as a person, not just you as a real estate professional.

Now that you have become the go-to person for real estate information, you want to build your plan for social media initiative. Your initiative will help to guide you as to who you should be posting for and what results you should be seeing from your efforts:

#1 – Define your goals. Are you using social media to gain awareness of your brand, engage with your sphere, are you trying to generate leads, or do you want to promote a specific project?

#2 – Define your metrics. How are you going to measure your success? Set up goals so you can track your progress and track your levels of engagement so you are aware if you message is getting your desired effect.

#3 – Identify your audience. This will help you determine on which social media platform to focus your efforts. There are incredibly different people scrolling through Instagram versus LinkedIn.

#4 – Determine your tactics. Put together a social media calendar and stick to it. Make sure you know what you will post, when you will post, and how frequently you will be posting. This takes some of the guess work out of tracking your results.


Remember, be engaging with you network. Comment on important posts that people talk about to help keep the conversation going and build your relationships with others. You need to remain consistent so that your fans can count on you to be a presence within the social media community. And don’t forget to include calls to action in your posts. Before you commit to a social marketing plan, know that it will take time to plan, schedule, and maintain a consistent online presence. You need to make sure you can allocate enough time each day or week to build and maintain your personal brand.

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